Swim Grades

Beginner with Adult

These classes are designed for children from the age of 2 years 6 months. These classes are for new swimmers who have not yet reached the Performance Entry Requirements for Beginner With Confidence level. Please note, the parent/carer/guardian of the swimmer will also be required to be in the water.

Beginner with Confidence

Performance Entry Requirements for Beginner with Confidence (BC). Achieve 6 of the 7 Key Learning Targets listed below, which may be performed wearing swim discs, but without goggles.

  1. Enter shallow water by: a) turning and sliding-in, and, b) jumping-in independently.
  2. Exit shallow water without use of steps.
  3. Float motionless horizontally on front in shallow and deep water.
  4. Float motionless horizontally on back in shallow and deep water.
  5. Swim 10m front paddle with arms pulling and legs kicking.
  6. Swim 10m on back.
  7. Dip face fully into water.

Beginner with Confidence Plus

Performance Entry Requirements for Beginner with Confidence Plus (BC+). Achieve 6 of the 7 Key Learning Targets listed below, to be achieved without swim discs apart from Task 7, and without goggles.

  1. Enter DEEP water by: a) turning and sliding-in, and, b) jumping-in independently.
  2. Exit DEEP water without use of steps.
  3. Glide from side horizontally on front for slow count of 3, both face-out and face-in.
  4. Glide from side horizontally on back, arms at side for slow count of 3.
  5. Swim 10m front paddle with arms pulling and legs kicking, 5 metres of which in deep.
  6. Swim 10m on back, arms at side, still (not sculling), 5 metres of which in deep.
  7. Swim 5m using another pull (muscles may be worn for this activity).
  8. Swim 5m with face dipped in the water for at least half the time (intermittent dipping).
  9. Duck body fully into water (full submersion).


Performance Entry Requirements for Improver. Achieve 8 out of the 9 key Learning Targets listed below, which must all be performed without swim discs (except Task 7) and without goggles.

  1. Enter water by jumping-into deep water independently.
  2. Exit water without use of steps.
  3. Glide from side horizontally on front for slow count of 3, both face-out and face-in.
  4. Glide from side horizontally on back, arms at side for slow count of 3.
  5. Swim 20m front paddle with arms pulling and legs kicking, from deep to shallow.
  6. Swim 20m on back, arms at side, still (not sculling), from deep to shallow.
  7. Swim 10m using a breaststroke-type pull (muscles may be worn for this activity).
  8. Swim 10m with face dipped in the water for at least half the time (intermittent dipping).
  9. Duck body fully into water (full submersion).

Improver Plus

Performance Entry Requirements for Improver Plus. Achieve 6 of the 7 Key Learning Targets listed below. Goggles may be worn, except for Task 1.

  1. Glide from side horizontally on front for 3 seconds (3 seconds of actual gliding) with face-in.
  2. Glide from side horizontally on back, arms by side, holding glide for 3 seconds.
  3. Swim 10m (2 widths) front crawl with face-in and arms recovered over water.
  4. Swim 2x10m back crawl, using ‘broken’, or intermittent arm pull.
  5. Swim 10m breaststroke with face out of the water using simultaneous arms and legs.  Arm action to be in front of shoulders.
  6. Swim 2 metres fully submerged.
  7. Swim 50 metres without stopping.  Using recognised (and easily recognisable) strokes conforming to criteria listed in 4, 5 & 6.

Stroke Improver

Performance Entry Requirements for Stroke Improver. Achieve the 7 Key Learning Targets, listed below.

  1. Glide from side horizontally on front for 5 seconds (5 seconds of actual gliding) with face-in.
  2. Glide from side horizontally on back, arms in front of head, holding glide for 5 seconds.
  3. Swim 2x10m front crawl with face-in and arms recovered over water, with breathing predominantly sideward.  A short rest or pause is permissible between swims.
  4. Swim 3x10m back crawl without stopping, using continuous arm action.
  5. Swim 2x10m breaststroke with face out of the water using clearly recognisable breaststroke arm and leg actions.  Arm action to be in front of shoulders.  Feet should turn out on kick.
  6. Swim 5 metres fully submerged from a head-first surface dive.
  7. Swim 200 metres without stopping.


Performance Entry Requirements for Advanced. Achieve the 9 Key Learning Targets, listed below.

  1. Use an aquatic (underwater) glide into front crawl.
  2. Use an aquatic (underwater) glide into back crawl.
  3. Swim 25m front crawl using bi-lateral breathing.
  4. Swim 50m back crawl using an ‘s’ style pull.
  5. Swim 50m breaststroke using aquatic glide timing and a whip kick with feet dorsi-flexed.
  6. Swim 15m butterfly.
  7. Tread water for 2 mins, 1 hand in air, then 1 min both hands in air.
  8. Swim 5 metres fully submerged from a feet-first surface dive, making a 90 degree change of direction after 2.5 metres.
  9. Swim 600 metres without stopping.

PLEASE NOTE:  There are 3 levels of Advanced groups: 1, 2 & 3.

Some of our Advanced swimmers have completed their 5,000 metres, Gold Survival & Rookie Awards. We have a range of Advanced groups suitable for children up to the age of 18.

All photos on this website are of our swimmers