Terms & Conditions, Balsall Common


Your booking onto the course is taken as an acceptance of these terms and conditions, and ‘the swim school’ appreciates receiving your full co-operation in these matters.

  1. All new swimmers pay (and swimmers that have previously been a member of the swim school and wish to re-join) a £30 registration fee.
  2. Our swim lessons run 50 weeks of the year.  We swim during Summer, half terms and bank holidays, taking 2 weeks off at Christmas.
  3. ‘the swim school’ will automatically charge your nominated credit/debit card the identified amount, as and when payment becomes due in respect of swim course fees.  This agreement may be cancelled by giving written notice (via e-mail) to the swim school office.
  4. Once payment has been taken – no refunds will be given.
  5. All children should be accompanied to the venue by a parent/guardian, who must stay at the venue (in the pool building), for the duration of the lesson. Any non-swimming children in attendance must also be kept in safe control by their parent/guardian.
  6. Swimmers using changing rooms before and after lessons are the responsibility of the accompanying parent/guardian.
  7. Primary School age swimmers attending the toilet during lessons must be accompanied/supervised by a parent/guardian.
  8. Children 8 years & over must use their own gender changing room.
  9. The parent/guardian is responsible for the behaviour of their child in both changing rooms and all non-swimming areas.
  10. All goods and belongings left in the changing rooms, lockers or anywhere on the premises are entirely the responsibility of parents/carers/guardians/responsible adults who are accompanying the swimmers. The Swim School accepts no liability for any items left unattended in lockers, changing rooms or anywhere on the premises.
  11. Please be aware that no filming or photography of any kind is permitted on poolside unless pre-arranged and agreed with swim school staff and other parents present. Occasionally, the swim school like to update their website and therefore may take photographs/short video clips. However, this would only be done if the swim school have written permission from the Parent/Carer concerned.
  12. No photography is permitted in changing rooms at all. We also advise that parents do not use phones and devices in the changing rooms, as so to avoid any misunderstanding or cause for concern amongst other parents.
  13. It is the parent/guardian’s responsibility to inform the swimming teacher and head office of any medical condition their child may have.
  14. The swim school engages fully qualified specialist swimming teachers. However, our teachers are not specialist teachers for children with disabilities or for children with identified special learning needs. Therefore, parents of children with special learning needs or disabilities may be required to enter the water to assist their child.
  15. All swimmers must wear a swim hat during their swimming lesson.
  16. We recommend that no jewellery should be worn during swim lessons.
  17. During the lesson, the teacher acts in loco parentis ("in place of a parent"), and is therefore solely responsible for the safety, education and welfare of all swimmers. This responsibility takes effect at the ‘handover’ of the swimmer from parent to teacher on the poolside, and is relinquished when the teacher dismisses the swimmer at the end of the lesson on the poolside. The swimmer’s safe entry into and exit from the water are the responsibility of the teacher.
  18. Parents must refrain from becoming involved in the running of the lesson except at the behest of the teacher. Parents should particularly refrain from beckoning to, speaking to or otherwise trying to draw the attention of swimmers during the lesson.
  19. Fees paid are for the group, day and time to which the swimmer is enrolled.
  20. The swim school does not offer replacement lessons for non-attendance.
  21. ‘One-off’ changes of lesson time/day for reasons of convenience or otherwise are not available.
  22. Pushchairs are not allowed on the poolside or changing rooms and must not obstruct thoroughfares or entry/exit points.
  23. Persistently disruptive swimmers may be excluded, either temporarily or permanently from lessons at the discretion of the teacher, after discussion and consultation with both the teacher and the swimmer’s parents.
  24. In the event of pool closure, any lessons cancelled by the swim school will be replaced. Please note, no refunds will be given.
  25. Only enrolled swimmers are covered under the terms of our insurance (assessment swimmers are considered to be enrolled for the session they attend).
  26. Whilst the swim school tries to employ 100% reliable staff, obviously there are times when sickness or accidents do occur at the last minute. In the unusual event of this, every effort has been made to provide a replacement as soon as possible, but very occasionally, classes may have to be combined.

All photos on this website are of our swimmers